Available data types: Time series (TS), Profiles (PR), Wave Spectra (WS), Total velocities (TV) and Radial velocities (RV). More info about data types at: More info at: Product User Manual.
Choose also one period to display on map only those platforms operating during such period of time.
In Situ TAC Dashboard
The In Situ TAC is the component of the Copernicus Marine Service which ensures a consistent and reliable access to a range of in situ data for the purpose of service production and validation.
On the In Situ TAC dashboard you can explore and download all the multi-source, multi-platform and heterogeneous data collected in near-real-time (within 24 hours) and delivered to the Copernicus Marine Service.
Browse through the sidebar menu options to:
Explore regional network of platforms (see here all possible ones).
Browse through platforms by type (see here all possible ones) and status (active vs inactive ones)
Discover In Situ TAC providers thanks to SeaDataNet Web Services
In order to download files you need to proved a Copernicus Marine Service user and password. Please register now and fill-in the below inputs to download the datasets from selection.
Others (provider & platform code)
Platform provider
To find those platforms beloging to a certain provider please provide in the next input field the edmo code of such provider. If you do not know the edmo code please visit seadatanet first and check the "EDMO record id". Check here also the available ones for the selected region.
Platform identifier
To find a given platform by id please provide in the next input field the platform code of such platform. At file name, this is the fourth element after the bigrams referring the production unit, type of file and type of platofrm.